Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Rumor has it that a storm is on the way.

This is how it looked at 7am.

Gucci and I went out to do chores while Phoebe lounged in the kitchen.

I had a grain delivery so it took me a little longer to finish up this morning...did not get in until 10:30.

Started out grey and cold. The paddock is still full of frozen foot prints so I fed the horses their hay out in the pasture.

I saw a little sunshine around 10:30, but it was not the kind of day that energizes me.

I made some changes in the kitchen before Jenny arrived with Cooper. She had to go into the legislature early as this is a big budget day (and night).

After lunch, the Coop entertained himself with toys and crayons....a perfect gentleman.

When my class arrived, Gucci took her place on an end table waiting for the door to open.

It was good to have Deb back after her vacation out west.

All were busy...

Connie worked on a Christmas card...it is going to be a beauty.

Mikayla was here again, working on her school project "Alone in a Crowd." She made a lot progress since last week.

Sandy started another drawing of a horse...this time it was my pony, Abbe.

Mel is on the home stretch with his colored pencil drawing....

and will be starting on a water color of more polar bears.

When everyone left, I went across the street to get a dozen eggs and took a couple of photos.

Trees are great subjects.

At 5 the pups and I went out to do chores while Gary got ready to go to an Alumni Board meeting.

He had a very busy day. Earlier, the chorus had two performances...he participated while I watched Cooper and had my class. Tomorrow we have another performance after the regular practice...I will be there for that one.

Tonight I played bridge. Did not get home until 11, so I am very late with this post. Time to hit the sack....night all.


  1. We got the slushy/sleety end of the storm - I'm hoping it doesn't turn to slippery ice when the temperatures drop. Hope you're spared as well!

  2. It looks like it'll be drizzling and cold when you awoke this morning but that snow looks like it's moving across the plains prety fast. I saw all the snow accumulating in the NYC area and along the east coast. Nasty stuff.

    Gucci is too funny sitting like she owns the place. Hope the flurries pass you by.
    Do you have an egg farm across the way?

  3. Cool art class. It's been so long since I have painted something.

  4. I just love it when you show your student's works. I only wish I could be there as well. :):)

    We are getting ready for a drop in temps as well. It's 59 degrees right now!

  5. Your grandson is so cute...The weather was so funny snow frist then rain ..what a mess outside now its a very sunny day..Hope you stay warm.. hugs..

  6. You sure do have a full life! I love the art by your students. It must be fun to see their drawings come to life. And, your photo of the tree is fabulous. The pups always take the day for me though!

  7. We got the brunt of the storm here in SW Colorado Monday night and Tuesday morning. Now we just have very cold temperatures. Stay warm and cozy...it's a cold and windy storm coming your way....


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