Friday, November 6, 2009

#2076 NEVER GOT OUT OF THE 30S....

It seems like everyday has turned into a Skywatch Day lately.

For some reason, I don't know when to quit taking photos of the sky.

It was so cold when I let the dogs out.

My car was covered with little white frozen things.

The barn light was still on and a hard frost covered every roof.

After chores, I went out to pick the pastures.

Fortunately I did not have to change any blankets on the horses this morning.

Gucci went to get a drink of water while we were in the big pasture and discovered that it was covered with ice.

In the house around 9:30...Gar went to Java and for a walk.

At 12:30 I met my friend Arlene at the Golden Eagle for lunch. We talked non stop for over 2 was a very nice break.

By now the sky was clear and the sun was as bright as it gets. It was only 36 degrees, but beautious maximus.

Earlier today I went and looked at a Canon weakening. The only problem is...I would not be comfortable taking it out to the barn and everywhere I go with my Sony Digital.

By late afternoon, the sun told me I had better get the lead out and start some dinner before heading out to do evening chores.

That half hour between 4:45 and 5:15 brings about dramatic changes.

It was pretty dark when I was in the barn.

Phoebe and Gucci were on duty. Hey Dr. Porter, you would freeze up here!!!!!

This morning when I read "All Horse Stuff," Victoria wrote about going out to the barn when it is dark. So...I took a picture from the outside looking in. There really is nothing like having the lights on in there when it is pitch black.

Headed back to the house...

Gary was still down at First Friday.

We had a repeat performance for dinner. BBQed country ribs (peppers, onions and carrots), sweet potatoes and a mixed green salad with pears and crumbly blue (Wine Blush dressing).

The fire is going...Gary fell asleep in the kitchen, and I am ready to cozy up to the fire.
Night all.


  1. It was lovely to spend the day with you in your world. It is so different to mine. That is a great series of shots from morning to night. I love your little dogs. Dinner looks yummy too.

  2. I love the sky this time of year - it's almost always beautiful. And those clear frosty mornings are delightful as well! Thanks for sharing your day!

  3. Hahaha!I thought...hummm name mistake..I had to go back and look what I wrote.... then headed over to Victoria's blog..."Teachings of the Horse"...early one fer ya, sweetie!Though I msut say...I love to see my blog's name in print on others blogs!! It always makes me go -OH- happily so!
    Loved the inside view of the horses..fromt he outside darkeness.
    I do love the crisp, still air too!


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