Friday, October 9, 2009


At 7:40am it was still dark enough for our barn light to still be on.

I did chores in less than an hour...that's pretty fast for me (lately). I'm still not feeling great.

Had an appointment at the bank at 10am and managed not to cough my brains out. Stopped at Tractor Supply on the way home and was back into my low profile for the afternoon.

Gary picked up Finn when he got off the bus and brought him up to the farm. Jenny and Cooper arrived a few minutes later and we worked on a mailing for a political event that is coming up.

The boys enjoyed some hot chocolate, the fire and a little PBS while we stuffed envelopes so Jenny could get to the post office before 5:30.

It had started raining earlier, but was not that I put the horses in a little after 6 for the night.

The Phoebster and Gucci are not happy unless they get their legs and bellies dirty. Why would I want a clean kitchen floor for more than 12 hours?

Still no color in the sky...but the leaves across the street are changing quickly.

How grey is this for 6:20?

When I got back in the house, Gary was putting all his change in rolls. It sure adds up. We had leftover squash and pear soup for dinner with warm multigrain rolls, extra sharp cheddar cheese and sliced apples. A very fallish meal...and simple....I'm not in the mood for high energy cooking. So, I did not take a lot of pictures and this is one boring post. A perfect reflection of how I feel. It's not even 7:30 and I am ready for a nice hot shower and bed. I need to kick this cold. Night all.


  1. It's not boring at all, just a day in the life. Feel better soon and have a great weekend.

  2. You left us much money was in the jar?

  3. Oh, I know what you mean - I can't seem to shake this cold either...

    Hope you get better and rest up this week-end...

  4. Hot scotch, hot bath and bed.
    I find a measure of scotch (be generous), a similar measure of water, a little honey, and a good squeeze of lemon, boiled up together, stirring whilst it simmers, and the fumes well inhaled; then drink the resulting hot toddy. This helps tremendously. It doesn't actually cure the cold, but it does make you feel better about - well everything, and also helps you sleep, which helps the cold. Hope this helps.
    Regards, Mike..

  5. Hot scotch, hot bath and bed.
    I find a measure of scotch (be generous), a similar measure of water, a little honey, and a good squeeze of lemon, boiled up together, stirring whilst it simmers, and the fumes well inhaled; then drink the resulting hot toddy. This helps tremendously. It doesn't actually cure the cold, but it does make you feel better about - well everything, and also helps you sleep, which helps the cold. Hope this helps.
    Regards, Mike..


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