Sunday, October 11, 2009


JUST TO GET YOUR ATTENTION! How about this portrait? Tina, from Christina's World (my number one photography associate) has a friend, KC Howell, who summers in England. She produced this fabulous piece...which will be quite an inspiration to my students. I found it when I opened my email this morning.

As for today....when I went out, it was not quite 40 degrees.

But look at that sky.

Gary helped me with chores. I fed the horses their hay in the back pasture where it was nice and sunny.

Gucci was on a chipmunk hunt.

At 9 we drove down to Java for breakfast...I had the usual, two poached eggs on whole wheat toast with homefries and a small OJ.

These mice were mixed in with the cookies.

Went over to the Farm Market to pick up a few things.

I bought Italian Sausage, red peppers and two pastries from Gregry's bakery.

These next pictures were taken so I could catch the reflection of the buildings across the street.

Can you see them?

Looks like a collage....

...what the heck....

This is a church on the corner of Erie and Main.

Our Main Street is a designated historical district.

Gary has painted most of these buildings.

When we got home, I started making spaghetti sauce, so it could simmer all afternoon.
First I put two big sweet onions, a grated carrot and 4 pieces of Italian sausage (skin removed) in the pan over a little olive oil. While it browned, I chopped up some red peppers....threw them in and stirred until they were soft. Added 2 large cans of crushed tomatoes, salt, pepper and a little sugar. It cooked down for about an hour. In the meantime, I made some apple betty for dessert.

Set the table, and then it was time to go out for chores.

Overnight, the leaves turned yellow.

The late afternoon sky was as beautiful as it was this morning.

The farmer who leases the land around us was out in the field with a truck...all the horses were at attention.

Back in the house around 6:15...just in time to finish things up before Tina and Roger arrived for dinner. This meal needed to be shared.


Flowers from Tina's garden....

Some of the best sauce I have ever made....

And dessert. Can you tell I am starting to feel better? Off to catch some couch time. Night all.


  1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting at my place and THANKS for the wonderful tour of your day:)

  2. Your tomato sauce with spaghetti sounds so delicious, I've just decided it will be our dinner too...although my suce won't have the time to simmer that long!
    And what a beautiful portrait - it would be an inspiration to any artist!


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