Thursday, October 1, 2009


Grey and cool this morning. It stopped raining before I went out to the barn. Last night my body gave in to a full blown cold (thank you Gary for passing it on) know the drill, tired, coughing...plugged up head. I was a little slow moving and it took me longer than usual as I put some plexiglass back in a couple of windows.

Got in the house about 10 and all I wanted was a nice cozy fire.

After lunch I went down to the bank and hit Wegmans for some cough drops and a few other items. By three I was back in front of the fire.

When I went out for evening chores it felt a little warmer than it was this morning.

I managed to pick the pasture...they have turned over the fields around us and all the wildflowers are gone.

I've started putting the horses in after evening's just to mucky and damp to leave them out.

Since I'm out of gas, there are not too many photos...

In the house by 6:15 and had some steamy tomato soup.

Are your leaves turning?

I sure hope I'm feeling better by Saturday so I can have my driving lesson with Abbe. She is doing so well. Below is a picture of her when she was first hooked.

I'll come up with a better post for tomorrow. Night all.


  1. Hi Lori,
    Bummer that you have a cold. Hope you feel better soon. Looks as though your horses were cozy even though they didn't have a fire! Get better soon. Snow on the ground at my house here in CO - temp 18 degrees this AM.

  2. It's going around - that cold thing - I've had it for three days now...

    Feel better!!! And stay by the warm fire for as long as you can.


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