Sunday, September 6, 2009



Yet another beautiful morning. The pups and I went out to do chores at 7:15.
Gucci, where are you?


When I checked my messages on the computer, there were many photos waiting for me from Germany.

Sabine was our exchange student in 86-87. Now she has a family of her own and we have kept in touch all these years.

We are hoping they will all come back to the farm for a visit one of these days.

Sabine's Mom, Uschi, came over for a couple of weeks at graduation time. I hope she can return too.

Darrin sent me many photos of a neighborhood in Holland where there are no roads....just canals. All travel is done by boat.


I put the dogs in the house and went back out to start sanding my cart.

Gary and Randy took a vote and think the whole thing will need to be taken apart in order to be finished properly. That has to happen much later, as I need the cart right now.

PART 5 (and this is a very long one)

We left at 11:15 to go out to St. Rocco's for lunch. Every September there is a big "Italian Festival" there and it is extremely well attended.

We drove out Canal Road...passed many bikers and boaters. Next we drove through Holley (you have been there before).

By the time we arrived, the Bocce Tournament was in full swing. First, we bought vegetables and put them in the car. A local farmer donates all the produce.

Lunch was next. Every year we get eggplant parm. They set up tables under a big tent that also houses a band. The music is top shelf and really adds to the atmosphere.
This year, instead of just visiting, State Senator George Maziarz participated in the Bocce Tournament.

When they played New York, New York these line dancers got up and performed...all senior citizens having a great time.

I confess, we went back for a meatball sandwich and split it.
Our friend Paul Q. and his son Cameron were on one of the teams and we followed them for awhile.

Randy showed up just as we were about to leave. We picked up some peanut butter cookies at the baked food table and headed home.

As you can see, they sell many things that are Italian. On the way home we passed the original St. Rocco's old hotel that used to operate near the Canal, cabbage fields and one lane bridges.


Darrin and I rode this afternoon, and while we were on the horses, Jenny brought her dogs up for a run. Berlin was very fresh, as she has not been ridden in awhile. Darrin and Winnie were nice and quiet.

We could not have asked for better conditions.

Now, if I could just get the outdoor ring rototilled...dragging it did not help me get rid of the weeds and I did it three times.

This is the side door of the indoor. Yesterday I line drove Abbe though it with the poles on so we go to the outdoor ring. She was pretty good about it.

When I ride Berlin, I use an English hackamore. It is very mild and we both like it.

Here's a fuzzy picture of my saddle (that feels like butter when you sit in it). I love it!

By the time we finished, it was time for evening chores.

A piece of cake.

Gary had duty at the Welcome Center...I watched one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Jenny brought up "Duplicity" with Julia Roberts...Did not like it at all....very disconnected (my humble opinion).

I spent a lot of time this weekend commenting on the speech President Obama will present to our school children. He is our PRESIDENT! I think the promotion of education is GOOD! I can't believe some of the outrageous statements people have made regarding this. The political state of affairs right now STINKS! I am very tired of the pot shots being taken regarding this issue and feel that the media is having fun getting people all manipulated into thinking there are ulterior and undermining motives. What are people so afraid of...what is the real issue??? Think of the impact of opens the door. Have any of you had to deal with this?

That's it for now. Night all.


  1. With such busy days, I don't know how you ever get your chores done! How nice to have friends in far-away places too.

    I can't comment on education in the U.S. but it's always a hot topic here in France.
    Best to you,

  2. What a lot of lovely photos. Does everyone whose house at the canals have their own boats or is there a river bus?

  3. The shots of Holland and their canals are wonderful and the fact that they don't have roads reminds me of the folks in Venice. Everything delivered by boat. Amazing life. Your exchange student family is beautiful. I imagine it would be a real treat to host them all now at the farm.

    As to the President's plan to speak and have his remarks broadcast to all of the schools, I think the brouhaha has erupted because Presidents have spoken in classrooms before, very often, but never broadcast nationwide. With all of the controversy over the health plan, and the unpleasantness at so many public forums, a big chunk of the electorate is upset and leery of the White House's intentions. It seems to be a example of very poor communications and PR and not the content itself. Just bad timing and a miserable "selling job" right now. It's too bad.

  4. Here's an article from this morning's NY Times; it's a take on the debate you raised regarding the President's speech to kids:

  5. Hi Lori. It's always good to stay in touch with far flung friends. I don't know what the fuss with your president and education is about; but I do know that learning (throughout life) is what life is all about.

  6. You do have busy days, the Italian festival looked like a lot of fun.

    It's nice that you got a ride in, love your cart and saddle. How nice to hear from your friends in Germany. I'm also wondering how they get around on the canals in Holland when they freeze. Hans Brinker style I guess?

    As for the flap over the President's broadcast about education. How ridiculous is this nonsense. Education is one of the most important things we can and should do for our younger generation. Educational programs should be at the top of the list of 'things to be done', immediately. I'm not a big fan of the sensationalist media and how they present stories.

  7. Thanks for mentioning the astoundingly ridiculous ruckus about Obama's school speech. I share your sentiments. I might not have agreed politically with other presidents who also addressed students, but they were PRESIDENT and their words deserved respect.

  8. Hi Lori,
    Another array of lovely photos. Thank you, and thanks for including those glorious canal pictures. One more thank you for your comments on my blog. We actually have more in common than you mentioned, but I won't go there right now.

    I agree with you about the current political scene. If the loudest "ranters and ravers" have any idea of their impact on children then I have to consider their actions treasonous. Denying health care to all is to promote a more vulnerable and less productive nation. In both instances I see people who neither understand nor espouse "freedom and justice for all." Certainly not everyone will agree with the President on everything, but the tactics of the dissenters has the taint of those teenage years most of us would like to forget. Guess there are many who never outgrew it.

    'Night to you too.


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