Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today in a nutshell. HOT HOT HOT HOT! Chores. Started cleaning the upstairs as Steph and the girls are coming tomorrow night. Gary got his wagon all set up with garlic and onions for sale...I dragged the outdoor arena and did some mowing. Picked some beets that I intend to pickle. Our 90 tomato plants are not going to do a darn thing....all the rain and weird weather has pretty much ruined them. The peppers aren't doing much, nor is the eggplant. The onions, garlic, zuchini and beets will be fine. What a bummer.

Gary had Harbor Duty and I went down to Jen's for a birthday dinner... Finn is 6 years old today.

His Nana Pat got him a skateboard....

This could be very interesting!

Dropped dinner off for Gary at the Welcome Center and stopped at Abbotts for a hot fudge sundae...Finn thought that would be more fun than a cake.

Coop was more interested in Pooh.

Home at last. This weather is not good for me...what fun is it to sit in front of a fan all day?

Tomorrow they are going to start working on the indoor at 6am...first the shingles will be's going to be a mess.

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