Monday, July 20, 2009


Ahhh....morning light.  Shining on my yucky leaves... blossoms are still nice.
The usual chores.  Me and my trusty wheel barrow.
The horses still come in before I am a little hay, mess up the run in.

Miss Gucci just loves to run in and out of the their legs and they are all fine with it.
A pigeon was building a nest in one of the barns, and kept flying back and forth with pieces of hay from the paddock.  I must have taken 10 photos that did not work and this one that almost did.
Around noon the roofer came over to measure the indoor before placing the order for the steel.

When he gave us the bid on it, he had only considered the measurements of the building and planned on about 48 squares.  Well today he found out it is over 65, and the price is going up $2000!  What was he thinking????  Nothin's easy!

At 12:45 Darrin and Trina came back with a load of sawdust for the stalls.  The three of us got it in very quickly....the ponies will be happy tonight.

Finally got out to work with Abbe.  Just a surcingle today, and for a change I drove her in the outdoor arena.  She was very accepting of the change.  I used the poles on her after trying to make more permanent straps to hold them in deal!.... have to lengthen them, so the poles will hang better.

Can't walk by flowers without taking photos...

When Gary got home he dug up more garlic and started hanging some of it under the porch roof (to his barn).

Put some chicken and baked potatoes in the oven and went out late for evening chores.  I didn't finish with Abbe until nearly 5:30.
The gardens by the kitchen are out of control.

Here's the dinner.  Baked chicken (marinated) with onions (from our garden) and carrots...baked potatoes with sour cream....sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, onions and dill (from our garden) that have been marinating in a vinegar, water, sugar solution for a couple of days.  Great flavors.  I love to mix them all up, and Gary eats everything separately.

I went out to take the masks off around 9 and the sky was glowing.  The last shot is to the north,  through the run in door.

That's it!  Night all.  I am going to put the horses in and watch my last video...."Milk."  Last night I watched "Seven Pounds" with Will Smith, and really didn't get it.  Can anyone out there explain it to me?  Tomorrow....


  1. Can't believe all that garlic! I tried growing some a couple years ago and nothin'... I think I overwatered it. Looks like you've been getting some driving and riding in lately. I had a Trakehner once. He was the best boy.

  2. What a wonderful life and location! What do I have to do to get invited to dinner?

  3. Sounds like a busy but lovely day. Great pictures too.

  4. Seven Pounds was a great movie...I love Will Smith. In a nutshell the movie is about a man who makes a tragic mistake (texting, car crash, seven people die). He can't live with the guilt so he steals his brother's identity (tax man) to get to know people who really truly have a need. He plans out his "after life". He gives a kidney, bone marrow, his eyes, his heart, his home....gosh there might have been save other lives. He commits suicide to give these gifts of life to repay his debt. What he did was a careless accident, what he gave back was calculated unselfishness. Not saying we should all kill ourselves to give to others, but this world sure could use more people who think of others and who give of themselves rather than takers. We seem to be full-up on takers.

    (Sorry for the long response, but you asked!) :)smile

  5. Oh, and I eat all my food seperately, too, but my husband is a mixer of flavors.


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