Monday, June 29, 2009


This morning these photos were mailed to me and I want to share them with you.

The Mom in this photo is Sarah.  I have known her since she was born.  Here she is with her two kids....all three were in a wedding.
Dad was there too (Lance).

The next two are of Winnie and her family from the horse show yesterday.  It rained, it poured.
Finally, the judge called it off.  (There's my horse trailer, now owned my Justine's riding instructor).


  1. Awww bummer, did they re-schedule? Sarah and her family are beautiful!
    I love the flowers in the post below!

  2. Too bad about the horse show.

  3. Sarah and her kids have the most beautiful smiles. Obviously a loving and happy family. Thanks for sharing the pics.

  4. Only the last two classes were called off. Winnie's 3 classes were in driving rain and wind and she didn't seem to care. In command class she took first because the judge made the horses stand still with rain/wind in their faces. After a bit most turned their hind to the wind (natural) and that D.Q.ed them, Win hung in there didn't move a muscle. 5 year old son cryed because his lead line class got canceled after he worked so hard to clean her up and put western saddle and his new fit him stirrups. He cried and Winnie stood next to the fence and nudged him and he climbed on and she waited to be hooked to the lead line. Apparently she was thinking the same as him "we came to ride and rain isn't going to stop us". No class but they rode a little anyway smiling and both proud slow soft steps. It's great having an older experienced horse that adjusts to the abilities of her rider. We are truely blessed. Of course heeding Lori's advice gets it done too.


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