Thursday, June 4, 2009


Nothin' but blue skies.  

You can find beautiful skies from around the world at:


  1. Hope you're enjoying those wonderful blue skies!

  2. I just wrote a comment but I think blogger dropped it. The sky is beautiful! Love the blue against the greenness of the trees.

    Baghera was doing well this morning! He had half a big dog's portion with lots of canned fish. Sheba helped me by staying right behind him and drooling pitifully, which altered Baghera's sense of ownership. I love how he comes up in the mornings and is waiting for our "food time" together (just like he had with my mother), but I'm surprised he won't eat the same food together with the rest of the dogs. My aim now is to fatten him up as much as possible, so that he'll make the one week gap until my father arrives. Then he has an addition seven weeks of being pampered with. He's a lovely boy, and I'm so glad we didn't lose him. It wasn't his time.

    Sheba says hi by the way and from the looks of it, she's just having a phantom pregnancy. Which explains why she's a little moody these days :-D

    Warm greetings from Ishtar's Ark!

  3. Nice Skywatch entry here!!!

    Greetings from the Netherlands

  4. Nice skywatch, but I do so like your day above. You do fill up your day to flowing over :)


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