Saturday, June 27, 2009


Does this look like Little House on the Prairie or what?
At 8:30am another roofer came to give us an estimate on our indoor.  He and Gary went up there and took some photos of THE WORST SHINGLES that are on homes and other buildings all over this country.  Beware of IKO.
The girls had to go in the back yard while I finished up.
My own personal dynamic duo.
They can see everything from their perch.
After looking at chipmunks and bunnies from inside the fence, they go 90mph to find them when they get out in the yard.
At 9:30am Number 11 had his final Saturday game of the T Ball Season.  It ends Wednesday.
The team has improved a lot since the first game.
Grampa Skoog was there....
Grampa Tom and Jenny were there....
Finn got a total buzz cut!!!
Jenny Ames was there watching her son Joey (who is on the same team as Finn).
Cooper spent most of his time at the playground with his two Grampas....
Darrin trucked Abbe and me out to Glen Darach for a lesson today.  And I thought it was going to be a good day....she was a brat! for the first half.  I'm going to send her to Andrea for three days in a row, and get her hooked again.  I don't know if I will ever be able to meet her expectations.
The hail and heavy rain we had yesterday gave our tomato plants a beating, but they are making a comeback.
The spinach (yes we had it for dinner tonight) has not started to bolt yet and we still have tons.

Picked enough strawberries to make shortcake for two tonight.  They are so much sweeter than anything you buy at the store.

Gary worked his butt off weeding the gardens on the North side of our property today.  For some reason he thought this hat was perfect for the job.  He looks like Norton.
I'm starting to take more night photos when I take off the horses masks.
The dill makes a great subject.
Currently these yellow lilies are blooming in several of the gardens.
It's time for a nice shower and some pjs.  I'm done.  Night all.


  1. Oh, your night photos. Beautiful!
    When I was a girl, I loved daylilies so much. I would cover my room in them.
    We don't have them here.
    I'm interested to see what else you photograph at night.

  2. Hi Lori, sorry I haven't been visiting for so long but have kept up a little in my google/blogger reader, thanks so much for all your comments on my blog since I've been away, I hope to be back in the world of blogging full time again soon !


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