Sunday, June 7, 2009


I spent the day taking photographs at the NDS Carriage Show.  Seeing that I have posted so many pictures, I can't possibly comment on all of them and still get some sleep.
But I will tell you that this mini is "Eldorado."
And for my money, this was the most beautiful hat in the show.
These two horses were driven by a father and his son...and they did a great job. 
I have a thing for rear views.
....and side views....
Here comes the judge....
and now we have Laurie and Tori.

Today, the show was dedicated to Bob Brunsdon, who is in the photo below.  He works very hard for this organization and has done so for over 20 years.
...another one of those views.
Laurie and Tori again...He is one of the biggest (warmblood looking) Morgans I have ever seen.
Andrea took "Eldorado" into his first class ever, for his owner Kathy (who went into the second class with him).
There they are again....getting ready for a class....Laurie and Tori.

Jan C. drove her horse over from across the street.

This little boy took first place in one of his classes.

This next series of photos are of "Billy."  He is currently boarded out at Andrea's and it is my humble opinion that he was one of the most photogenic horses at the show.  So....I took a lot of pictures of him.
Usually Michelle drives him, but today her Mom also took him into several classes.
He is very commanding.

Don't you agree?

This giant boy had the fastest time in one of the obstacle courses.
...very agile for his size.
Michelle's hat blew off....he was going so fast!

This is where the fun starts.  The woman below is my friend Cindy R.  She was the show manager and did a spectacular job.
We both were in a horse club a long time ago, and every year we would tour the member's barns to see their horses and set ups.  One year I took a photo of Cindy with every single horse.
While we were laughing about it, we decided to do it again.
And believe me...we had many more laughs asking everyone if we could have Cindy do a little modeling with their horses.

As you can see, all of the participants take great pride in the way the present themselves and their horses.  A fun and busy day.


  1. Thank you for showing us. What a sooooper day that must have been.
    Regards, Mike and Ann.

  2. That looks like an absolutely wonderful show to attend. Soon you'll be competing yourself!

  3. Lovely, lovely photos! Thanks so much for sharing them. Carmon

  4. A really fun post. Terrific carriages, clothing, HATS, horses but I didn't see any blue ribbons.


  5. Cool! That looks like lots of fun.

  6. This looks like so much fun. I'd love to do this, but I look terrible in hats. I liked all the horses, they were adorable but my heart belongs to the grey, he is awesome. Thanks for the pictures.

  7. It was extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.


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