Sunday, June 28, 2009


When the sun is bright in the morning, I just can't sleep.  Today I woke up a little before 6 and it looked like this.

Pretty dramatic.
It's such a soft, gentle look....the shadows on the yard.

This is our door bell.

The pups and I went out to do chores.  It was still a mucky mess next to the shed roof, but I was able to mulch some of the excess hay in the rest of the paddock.  It makes things dry out quickly.  

Justine and Trina got to the farm early, to groom Winnie before going to a horse show.  As you can see, it was still a beautiful day.

After they left, I mowed two of the pastures.  For some reason, we have hundreds and hundreds of daisies all over the place.  By the time I finished, it was raining.

At 1pm strong rains came.  It was still fairly warm, and the horses stayed out in the pasture.
It was not long before they were soaked....
but they still preferred being out there eating grass.
Everything is so green it looks tropical.
The day lilies are starting to open up now.
I don't know what you call this one, but it was my macro shot for the day.  Love it when the raindrops show up.
I put the horses in for the night at 6:30 so they could dry out.  The temperature dropped by at least 10 degrees.
By 7:30 it stopped raining and the sun tried to come out.  Go figure.  I left them in anyway and will just have more picking to do in the morning.
Gary had harbor duty tonight .... dinner about 8:30.  He picked up some fresh peas, tomatoes and cherries at the Farm Market this morning.  I ATE ALL THE CHERRIES!!! my greatest weakness....  For dinner we had open faced veggie burgers, roasted potatoes with carrots and a side of fresh peas.  Pretty healthy.  I have no reason to go back outside...have taken a nice hot shower and plan to take the rest of the evening off.  Night all.


  1. The day lilies look beautiful!
    I wish for a little rain here, it's been dry and HOT for days and our horses don't want to stay outside during lunchtime. So I bring them in after their "morning pasture time" around noon and turn them back out around 3pm.
    They would love some rain to cool off, especially my "blondie" Midas, he is a "nordsvensk", a swedish coldblood working horse who likes the cold weather!

  2. Hi Lori. Your weather sounds even more changeable than ours! and certainly more extreme.
    Warm Regards, Mike and Ann, and Ruth, Tuva and Freja.

  3. What a wonderful day! I love following your days, Lori! It's a great way of kicking off the week! :-D Kisses to the lovely girls!

  4. Gotta love the rain. We've had some lately, but still not enough. I love your dinner bell!


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