Monday, June 15, 2009


Let's start off with last nights dinner....comfort food.  A veggie burger with onions and cheddar cheese on a whole wheat roll, corn on the cob and a spinach (from our garden) salad.

After chores this morning, the dogs and I did a few errands.  Had to deposit the check for my horse trailer, then went to the feed store to get a bag of grain.  Could not make it until tomorrow morning when I will go back to my every other Tuesday deliveries.  There are three different feeds that I am using, and I'm not in the groove yet as to quantities.  My two fatties (Berlin and Abbe) are on Safe Choice, PC is back on 10/10 and the rest are on a 10% pellet.  PC just refuses to eat the 10% pellet on it's own, so I went back to mixing it with the higher fat blend.  They all get beet pulp and eat grass all day plus a little hay.
He is 30 years old and I can't afford to have him go off his feed.

We drove past these houses in Clarkson.  All are so beautiful, now that the leaves are on the trees and the gardens are blooming.

Gary got home from town early, and helped Howard out in the gardens.  He and Gucci took a little break together.
A beautiful afternoon..bright and in the low 70s.
This is where the lights went on!  I got a new surcingle for Abbe and it sure was an improvement over the old one.  When we went into the arena she gave me about 30 seconds of boloney, then got down to business.  At our lesson we worked on straightness, and today I was able to walk and trot her in both directions without her shoulder falling in when going to the left.  Now I have to get rid of the initial misbehaving and I will have accomplished something. Definately the best time I have had with her since she got back from training.  Yes, she is on a diet and I will have to see if it works.  In three short weeks, she gained back some pounds.
Every afternoon the horses go into the run in or under the shed roof where it is cooler and there are no

While they were resting, Howard was busy working in the gardens.  This was the third day, and we could have him here for another week and not finish everything.

The daisies are still going strong.
Gary is very motivated to get the gardens in shape as the Garden Club will be here Wednesday night to work on sand casting.  I would like a bird bath.

I did evening chores a little early, took a shower and we were off to Rochester to participate in a concert at the Hochstein School.

We rehearsed here a couple of weeks ago and I was so impressed with the auditorium.
The pianist and percussionist were outstanding.
This is the outside of the building.
...and this is the world headquarters for Kodak (in downtown Rochester).  Ate dinner on the way home at it's after 11 and I have to go put the horses in.  Night All!!!!


  1. Your gardens are just amazing. So much growing so big everywhere! Looks like a lot of work...good thing you have help. The horses look great. Quite a science you have going with their feed. Glad things with Abbe went so well. I hope it continues.

  2. Those houses are wonderful. I would love to have a porch like they have, although here, it's better if it's screened against mosquitos... Great comfort food. Made my mouth water just looking at it.


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