Thursday, June 11, 2009


I took these photos last night in the dark using different settings on my camera.  Interesting, how they turned out.

Pretty normal morning...chores went smoothly.

The horses always come in from the pasture around 9:30.  The bugs must get busy about then.
I mowed the big pasture today, and now I have done them all.  Tonight it is raining and the grass should look great tomorrow morning.
It has been pretty dry around here, considering the time of year.
Voila!  This is where my manure pile used to be.  Lovely!!!
This is a before shot of the girls.  Grooming day.
After I dropped them off, I went over to Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn.  Louise's flowers are absolutely beautiful.

The apples have appeared...64 acres of fruit trees....
I did a lot of errands while the dogs were being groomed...dropped them off at noon and went to pick them up a 4:15.  Phoebe got her normal summer cut, and Gucci got a Schnauzer type cut. Neither dog would let me get a decent photo, so I will show you how they look tomorrow.

Sherri, the groomer, has a great facility and lovely gardens.

The dogs stand on a table on the other side of this window box.
You really can't tell what Gucci looks like in this shot.  I promise I will do better.

...and then there is Miss Phoebe.
Got home in time to unload a trailer full of sawdust.  Darrin was kind enough to pick it up and he, Justine, Gary and I put it in the stalls in no time.  Having help is the best!  The horses love it.

I did not finish evening chores until 6:45.  Looked quite like rain......

Too late to start dinner, so we went down to the Golden Eagle for a bite.  Who was there?
Darrin, Justine and (Grampa) Jim.

It is now pouring and I have put the horses in for the night.  Guess what....I didn't work Abbe today.  I am in deep tapioca....  Tomorrow will give me my 5th day this week, so I may be forgiven.


  1. Beautiful flower photos and I am so jealous of your acres of fruit trees. I have a couple apple trees. I think about 10 apples were on them last year. It was so dry and doesn't look much better this year. Gucci looks happier with the haircut than Phoebe...

  2. A day full of riches, Lori. All of it beautiful, even the former location of your manure pile.



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