Saturday, May 23, 2009


Not much today.  When I went out to do chores the clouds were beautiful.  Since Gary is not well enough to help (he is usually out there on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesday morning) Jenny showed up around 8 to take his place.  What a good kid!!!
Gary got a lot of sleep last night and tho he is sore, I think he is feeling much better.
Before noon, we went down and rented a car.  I went back to the farm and Gar drove down to the Village to pick up his newspapers.  That is a good sign.
People are still calling and stopping up to see him.  Today he had visits from Brian, Louise, Jack, Ulpian, Trina, Darrin, Bobbi and the kids, Randy....he received a huge basket of fresh fruit, cookies, and other snacks from the College...Cookies from Jack and Louise...more Cookies from Mary Pat and calls from Ralph, Bob, Tony, Alicia, Andrea, Lizzie and some that I can't remember.  Ann and Ron dropped off about 300 plants for the vegetable garden....
It was nice to see the whole herd together today.
About 5:15 a truck and brand new horse trailer pulled in the driveway!  It was the Kenney Family.  They had just picked up a new Featherlight stock trailer...17 footer and beautifully set up.  We sat on the back porch for awhile and Trina was bombarded by our dogs while she was holding Lilly May.

And here she is...the smallest dog in captivity.
Gucci was giving me the look....
Ethan entertained all of the dogs..
And Darrin just tried to have a conversation with Gary. 
It took me forever to get the lawn mown today, and by 7pm I was not ready to cook dinner.
Took a shower and we went down to the Golden Eagle.
Once again the sky was very interesting.
Toured a car lot at one of the local dealerships...went to Wegmans...home by 9:10.  Didn't Jen show up with three plates of food?  She had been at a BBQ at Carrie and Pete's house and they sent up all kinds of goodies.  Lunch tomorrow.

I put the horses in around 10 and now I am pooped.  Tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Gary. Hope he's back to his old self soon. Wow...and so popular, too! :) 300 vegetable plants! You definitely out do me.


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