Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I took these three videos this afternoon.  In the top one, Abbe was finished and after I brushed her out and put her mask on, one of the cats jumped up on the stall door.  She has never been near a cat like this before.

In the second video, the little red cart was hooked and Andrea drove Abbe at the walk and trot.
This is only the 2nd time she has been hooked!

In the third video, she was hooked to the old cart (I just bought) and seemed to like it better than the red one.  At first she did not understand the difference in weight and was a  little hesitant, but once she got going she became more relaxed.  I am so proud of this pony!


  1. Oh MY God! Is that your voice, Lori?! Now I have to write a short play with a character who has that wonderfully distinctive voice!

  2. That pony is brilliant. What a stylish way of getting around that will be!

  3. What a smart girl to learn all this new stuff in such a short time. I don't think I would get in that first cart...looked a bit scary to me!

  4. Great video!
    How entertaining coming to your blog is!


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