Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Good Morning everyone!
A bit muggy.....
Where's the chipmunk?  I can hear it!!!

Chores as usual...Gary actually came out to help.  We had to hurry, as the chorus rehearsal started at 10, followed by a pizza lunch.  On Friday we will have our performance.  It feels like we have bitten off more than we can chew this many songs and not enough time to really do them all justice.  We shall see.  Met with the Association Treasurer at the Senior Center for a few minutes and then rushed home to get the horses all set with the farrier.
John arrived shortly after 1 with Duncan...who will have his first birthday tomorrow.
Joe was done first...his big feet are enough to exhaust the farrier!
Then he did Pony and Berlin.  Next Wednesday the other three will be done.  Fine with me

After he left, Gary and I went down to look at a number of cars.  Trucks, Vans, SUVs etc.  We will probably have to get something used, as they will not give us the full replacement value of our truck.  That stinks!  Gary was not doing one thing wrong...his truck gets totaled, has an extremely traumatic experience and it will end up costing us money to get another vehicle. There is definately something wrong with this picture.  This Forrester is one of the cars we looked at.  It gets great mileage compared to a truck...almost double.
Finn had a T ball game tonight.  Kevin was not feeling well and Jenny was working late so Grampa went down to the Town Park to offer some family support.
I went out and picked pastures and took a few photos.  This is what our garlic looks like now.
Sort of like the tops of gigantic pineapples.  Notice how tall the wheat is in the field.
Do any of you have this plant?  Comfrey????  It is stronger than any weed and gets to be gigantic.  Andrea gave it to us many years ago and it just keeps getting bigger.  It's leaves can be used to make a poultice for your horse.
Puffy clouds tonight.
Our wild yellow rose bush is about ready to pop!

Below are all the plants waiting to be put in the ground.  Gary is really going to be getting a LOT of physical therapy.

Many thanks for all of beautiful comments you have sent Gary's way.  Most of you don't really know us and have been so caring and concerned.  Thank you....thank you.


  1. I love Subarus! That was the first car I purchased by myself and it lasted so long! Hate that insurance does not cover the whole deal. But love the coming yellow roses!

  2. Sounds like you guy's been real busy...Hope you are also getting time to relax too.. enjoy the beautiful weather.. my friend

  3. It seems your days are always so busy. Love your dog,just adorable. I've got to get planting too. But like you said above, it's been topsy turvy around here too.

  4. Roscoe's birthday is June 6th so he and Duncan are almost the same age. I fear I may be under feeding Roscoe as he is not nearly as plump as Duncan. I feed National brand and more than is suggests. Hmmmm. Did you say Duncan was some sort of English brand of yellow lab? Or something like that.

    Insurance companies are crooks. Remember when I got run over by the Greyhound bus? They didn't fix my car and they are telling me they are going to sue me. Great.

    I'm glad Gary is getting about. I'm sure it was a very scary and traumatic experience, but he has a new lease on life. I mean, you have always gotten out and enjoyed so much, but now he can see it through new eyes.

    So much work ahead of Gary with the planting. If I was there I'd lend a hand. Make sure you take photos when he is done.

  5. I do enjoy getting to know all of your family's comings and goings. You can't imagine the things we learn and think about as we read the posts. Garlics come from that HUGE green, leafy plant???? Really?
    My wife's grandfather, who would be 131 years old today (wow!) was a German-Austrian immigrant who was a hardworking blacksmith in Brooklyn, NY. We have a photo of his big shop taken in the 20s. Seeing your life today with the horses and farrier is so cool. Thanks so much for sharing every day. It's wonderful.

  6. We used to grow comfrey in our herb garden (when we had a bigger one than we do now - it is very invasive). The old name for it is knitbone and Culpepper says a decoction of it even helps gout (it doesn't in my experience, but I quite believe it would make a good poultice for horses). Useful herb, but it does rather take over a garden. Regards, Mike.

  7. Oh my goodness Lori

    I made a mistake earlier and asked about car shopping without checking earlier posts....I'm sorry.

    I've now caught up and cannot believe what a sorry friend I have been.

    Let us know how Gary is doing and accept my prayers for both his continued good health and that a great new car will come your way.


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