Saturday, May 2, 2009


I did it again! It's 9:15 in Las Vegas on Friday night, and this post shows up for Saturday!!!!

Sleeping in is quite a luxury. Had a little toast and juice and we were off to do some shopping. Home for lunch and by 1pm went upstairs for a nap (this never happens at home). Of course I didn't go to sleep....watched the big race of the fillies down in Kentucky. The winner won by 20 lengths and was most impressive. Then I got sucked into a movie, and before I knew it 5 o'clock rolled around. Steph made homemade enchiladas and a rice dish...salad...yum. I will definately do this when I go home. After dinner we all went for a bike ride and I took some fabulous photos for the next SkyWatch Friday. Unfortunately we went out for ice cream and now I am sleepy again. Too much good food out here. Got a new memory card for my camera that is so big I don't think I could possibly fill it in the next two days. Hope my computer does not go into cardiac arrest when I put on my hundreds of photos. Good night all.


  1. A NAP! She took a nap! I don't believe it!

    Next time you'll have to try falling asleep!

    See you soon.

  2. Cant wait to see the piccies I hope the computer holds out XXX Don

  3. Sounds like you are having a good time. Can't wait to see the photos.

  4. Glad you are safe, well more importantly relaxing and enjoying. The horses are WELL. Justine is enjoying chores, settling into a routine and you're not totally gone. We laughed today at times she sounded and acted like you!!!! I put hay up that had fallen over and she took that to mean somethng...."don't you know the difference between first and second cutting?!! Get out of the way I'll do it!" I think even Gary ran away. Winnie turned 20 day. We celebrated with a long trail ride all over behind your property, then a Birthday horse treat cake and the kids sang happy B-day. Win loved the attention. I cut the handle down on one of our spare manure forks for Ethan and he did the outdoor arena. See, you may want to stay in Vegas longer.

  5. excited to see photos of your trip...have a safe trip home..


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