Thursday, May 21, 2009


5:15 am...sunrise. looks like we are going to have a spectacular day.

Early morning and just before sunset....the best light.

Had to go out early for chores so I could be a Glen Darach Farm by 9am.

It got warm fast, and the horses came in from the pasture by 8:15 to get away from the bugs.

At 1:30 I had to go to the bank and take my car in for an oil change.  The pups came along and we went for a walk while we were waiting.  This is an old railroad bed across from Northside Service, where I left my car.
We walked by Remembrance Park where our Art & Aesthetics Committed had a beautiful piece of sculpture installed.  One of the neighbors has planted this gorgeous garden.

This is the neighbor's garden....

...and one of her flowers...
We ended up at the Welcome Center on the canal at 2:30.  Gary was helping to plant the gardens there at 3.  The dogs and I walked back to get the car and got bad news.  I need over $325 worth of repairs on my steering system tie rods or something like that.  Went home...took a little nap.  Gar arrived, showered and left for a 5:30 meeting.  

THAT'S WHEN IT HAPPENED!!! About 2 minutes down the road, a young woman going 55 mph drove through a stop sign and hit our truck.  It flipped over and was hit by another car. Gary had on his seatbelt and both windows were down so he was able to crawl out.
He called home and said to come quick!  I thought it was just a little fender bender and could not believe my eyes when I got there.  The truck was totalled.  The front of it was no longer and the back was smashed on both sides.  There were two gallons of paint on the floor and all kinds of equipment in the back.  The paint cans imploded and went all over Gary and the ground.  He was bleeding from his head but was standing and clear headed.  Bruises and cuts all over the place.  The women in the other two cars could not get out as their doors were smashed in.  All three were taken by ambulance to Strong Hospital.  The people at the emergency room were fantastic.  Jenny went in with him...I went home to take care of the animals and some friends came up to help.  Arlene stayed at the farm and Randy drove me in to the hospital.  By 10:30 we were home and it was all over the news.  It took a long time for Gary to get the paint off his body...and he is going to be very sore tomorrow.  We are so lucky that it was not worse.


  1. Lori!! Thank goodness your husband did not sustain serious injuries. I am so sorry that he was in harm's way even a little bit. The accident sounds just awful and I'm guessing you are both badly shaken. Sending prayers and healing your way. - Cherie

  2. To look at the truck it is a miracle is escaped with so few injuries. How about the others? While annoying to deal with the truck can be replaced. So glad that Gary is okay.

  3. Thank God he was wearing his seat belt. He'll be stiff and sore for a while, so tell him to take it nice and easy for a few days. Please give Gary our very best wishes. Warm regards, Mike and Ann.

  4. Oh Boy! I just learned about the accident! It's a wonder that he wasn't injured more seriously. He is made of strong stuff. Give him a hug for me. Sending a hug to you as well Lori.

  5. Whoa. Lori. I'm so glad no one was hurt worse.

    You just never know, do you?

    Enjoy every sunset.

  6. Glad no one was seriously injured! Hope Gary feels better soon, thank the Lord he was wearing his seat belt!

  7. Wow! SOOO glad Gary wasn't badly hurt. Yeah, he'll be sore. I had a pretty big one last year, though not THIS bad and was sore & black & blue for several weeks.

    All our best wishes & thoughts to Gary.

    Tom & Fritch

  8. I'm so glad your husband is okay. How scary!

  9. Give Gary our best wishes for a speedy recovery. The truck looks a total wreck.

  10. Oh my goodness, Lori! I have been so swamped that I have barely been able to read any blogs-I cannot believe the damage to the truck!!! I am SO relieved that Gary is okay and that the doggies were home with you! How terrifying! You must have been so scared when you saw the truck! Sending you both a monster hug...I am so sorry I missed all of this!

  11. Did they have to CUT his pants off him?


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