Friday, April 17, 2009


"OK people! I'm ready to go out..."
"Come on Phoebe....get off the couch."
"I'm coming!  Give me a break!"
Looking straight at the sun....
The view out Joe's back door.
Berlin and Target.

A rear view....
Love this sunshine....

Jen and Cooper came up for lunch and he stayed at the Farm while she went on  a field trip with Finn's class.  Gary got home in time for me to leave for Therapy Dog Duty.
This is Mikey.  He is now a regular in our group....the biggest Golden Doodle you have ever seen.
If Phoebe can get the kids to rub her belly, she is one happy dog.
She walks them back to their classroom.
By the time I got home, Finn and Jen were here.  Ethan's family was watching Justine take a lesson, and he joined the boys on the swing.

Lilly May was also visiting.
Ethan was kind enough to share his bike.
Cooper was very unhappy about going home.
Finn was pretty cooperative about it!
Look at that face.....

"Oh Coop....get over it!"

What an impact the weather has on all of us.  Hope your day was as full as mine.


  1. How lucky to have such an enjoyable day. We've cooled off again, but that kept me inside getting my planting done so that's a good thing! The horses seems to be soaking up all the sunshine. So nice your grandkids were able to visit for awhile. Hope tomorrow is as sunny for you.

  2. I've been on vacation this week and have spent the last two days outdoors raking and planting and getting my fingers dirty and my body aching. It's been glorious! Today is another gorgeous day and I can't wait to get out there to finish. After a winter of 'forced rest' this body is ready to roll!

  3. Hi Lori and Gary. It's been a lovely day here too. Just short of sixty degrees. Had lunch in the garden for the first time this year. Good to see your grandchildren visiting. They're the ideal arrangement, grandchildren. And you appear to have the ideal place to entertain them.
    Warm regards, Mike and Ann.

  4. My only nephew's name is Finn. At the time, I thought it an odd and unusual name...I'm seeing more now, so i guess it's neither odd nor unusual!


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