Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Good morning....good morning.....a little blurry eyed?
Here we are at the end of the first week in April with icicles hanging from the trees.

There is still snow on the ground and if we are lucky the temperature will go up to 40.

Gary helped me with chores so I would have time to take a shower and get down to the chorus rehearsal.  We are really improving and have arrived at a new level.

Our friends Roger and Tina (of Christina's World ....and DJ ville) are coming over for dinner tonight, and I am preparing Chicken Scallopine from a recipe posted by Ree Drummand at the Pioneer Woman (see link).

First I pounded 5 chicken breasts (to make them thinner)...sprinkled them with salt and fresh ground pepper.  Dredged them in flour and fried them in a combination of olive oil and butter.

Our guests arrived while I was preparing the meal so we offered them a drink.  No appetizers as the dinner and dessert will be more than enough.  

When the chicken was browned, I removed it from the pan and added mushrooms, white wine and the juice of one lemon.  I wanted to deglaze it and reduce the sauce.

In the meantime I put together a salad of mixed greens topped with sweet onion, bean salad (homemade), fresh tomato and crumbly blue.  I used a classic Italian Dressing on it.

Here's to you Roger!
Now the sauce has thickened and I added heavy cream and capers, topped with a little Italian parsley.
Time to start the pasta.
Phoebe and Gucci were patiently waiting for their dinners.
Here's how it turned out.
Huge pasta plates, so the salad was on the side.  Also had fresh Italian bread.
Our guests brought a fabulous dessert from Grampa Sam's restaurant in Spencerport. Delicious
Tiramisu.  Light!  Yum.....
My roses pooped out, so they were replaced with our own flowers that survived the snow and cold temperatures of late.  And that's all she wrote....Goodnight Fe, Goodnight Esther.....


  1. So Nick hopped over to the computer to check out your dinner. Does one just have capers sitting in the fridge for dishes like this? Really, I had to Google what a caper even was. Your meals make my mouth water. I have no knowledge of food and the kids eat a lot of cereal. They are about the most healthy children I have ever seen so it must be okay, but man, it sure would be nice to sit down to meals like that. Nicely done!

  2. Oh, the sweet evening with friends and pooches...what a fine meal!
    I will say goodnight too with prayers for a sunny day and warm, for you soon!

  3. Thank you Lori and Gary. Sounds like a lovely evening and a superb meal.
    Cheers, Mike and Ann.

  4. Aw, goodnight Lori! And thanks for sharing!!

  5. I'm drooling over the yummy food, and it's breakfast time, so I'm having oatmeal. Not exactly as good as Chicken Scalopine...

    I hope Spring temperatures come around soon for you and for us!

  6. Looks yummy! what time are you serving leftovers? LOL looks like yall had a great time, love the flowers

  7. Lori,
    I'm finally back home , after a rather busy day. Thank you so much for a very memorable meal!

    We had a great time at Skoog Farm!. I always told my sister that her place was my second favorite place to be (Next to home, of course).

    I think skoog farm has become my second favorite place to be! Thanks Again ,
    Tina & Roger


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