Saturday, April 25, 2009


I woke up about 6:15 to this beautiful sunrise.  Fortunately our four grandchildren were still asleep.  All went to bed relatively well except for the Coop!  He can outlast all of them together.
You would think they would be tired after their trip to Niagara Falls (near the Cave of the Winds there was still a ton of snow).  Last night Jen and Kevin were able to go out with friends for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in Rochester.  Virtu.  It's right on the river and has sensational food, presentation and service.

Every once in awhile I look over at this area, and there sits Gary with coffee, a newspaper or all the grandkids.  When they woke up, he made them pancakes while I finished the chores.
The later it got (and it was still before 7) the brighter the sun became.
Of course the dogs came out to the barn with me....Ice stayed overnight too.

When the horses go in and out he runs to the feed room to get out of the way.  Today Jenny and Kevin rescued a twelve week old mutt and Ice will enjoy the company.  He came with the name Buster, but don't you think his name should be "Busta Move?"  Ice's full name is Ice Box.  I have told his story before....some idiots in Kentucky locked him in a refrigerator that was on the front porch and someone heard him crying.  He went to the same Humane Society I adopted Phoebe from.  When Kevin heard about it he made arrangements for Ice to be transported North and he is the kindest dog I have ever met.  Anyway, "Busta Move" and "Ice Box" sound like a couple of rappers to me.

The Kenney's came up to get Winnie ready for Max's Mardi Gras Parade.  Trina asked Ariana to hold Lilly May while they got things organized.  What a hardship.....

The horses were happy to be in the big pasture and totally ignored their morning hay.  That tells me that the grass is growing.

While the kids were at the parade and Gary continued to replant strawberries, I snuck over to the Renaissance Equestrian Center to watch a riding clinic.

This is Linda of the best classical dressage instructors around.  She studied for many summers in Portugal with the Maestro, Nuno Olivera.  I took lessons from her for the good weather I drove nearly 80 miles round trip each week!!!! 
I was probably the most backyard person she ever worked with... but we hit it off and she liked my attitude (she also liked my horse who went to her for training).  You would think I could be a great rider by now.  She and her Andalusian Stallion, Elejhito did a musical freestyle when we had an "opening" for our indoor.  I was an emotional basketcase, it was so beautiful.  I don't think I've had a lesson for 7 years or more, and it was great to watch some solid instruction today.

I got home for a late lunch, when the phone rang and I was asked to bring the girl's new swimming suits down to Jenny's.

They filled up a little wading pool...

....and were sliding through FREEZING water on a piece of plastic you can plug a hose into.

I'd say we hit about 82 degrees today.

Here are Justine and Winnie down at the parade. They both were very calm and had a good experience (even tho the fire truck behind them kept blowing it's horn). 

I don't know if I am done for the day or not...The girls are spending their last overnight with their cousins, as it is back to school for the boys on Monday.


  1. Hard to believe just three days ago it was struggling to get in the 40's, windy and wet. You thought Ariana was getting strep. Now it's 83 and she in a swim suit. Welcome to western NY, go figure!!! Don't like the weather? Wait 8hrs it will be entirely different.

  2. Fantastic that the weather is cooperating with the kids' visit. Glad you all are having a good time.


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