Sunday, March 22, 2009


This morning when I went out to do chores, the temperature was in the mid 30s and it was very grey.  The tulips don't care, as they push their way above the ground.  Gucci was on the prowl for critters while Phoebe was entertained.

When we finished chores, we drove down to Bergen for breakfast.

This little townie restaurant is one popular joint!!!!

It was so mobbed we had to wait a few minutes for a table.  (I think it seats about 60)
The menu is not the usual, and there are always many specials.

The owners of this business have built up quite a clientele and they are very consistent with the quality of everything they serve.
They, the wait staff and the cooks are very friendly and the turn around time from ordering to being served is very fast.

There is a great variety in the dessert department...we like the rice pudding.

I forgot to take pictures when the food was delivered.  I had French Toast made out of French bread and Gary had a short stack of pancakes with some bacon.  Great tasting and well presented.

That takes care of brunch...    It was spitting snow when we got out to the car!


  1. Looks like a delightful place - I love the way you've posted photo's of the menus - great to see what was on offer, and made me wonder what I would have ordered .... mmmmm .... all looks so yummy, hard to choose !

  2. I like the prices! I blogged not too long ago about going to lunch with Emily. It was an old restaurant such as this...anyhow, a couple days later it burned down. They are going to rebuild, but it will never be the same. I always wanted to work there, but you (literally) have to wait for someone to die or move to get a shot at a position. Many of those gals have worked that breakfast 15+ years!


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