Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Another beautiful, FRIGID morning.  A high of 18 degrees if we were lucky, and that was late afternoon.
The good news is that we didn't get any snow....love seeing grass!  Gucci and Phoebe are happy about it too.
After morning chores we went for our little jaunt.
Gucci looks much better with her new haircut....
She and the Phoebster have really bonded.

Helllloooooo out there.  I had on so many clothes today (totally sick of being cold)!

I'm sure the horses are as anxious as I am for the warmer weather we should have starting tomorrow.
The pups rode down to the grocery store with me...they both love going in the car.  Gucci has the same sweet personality as Phoebe....I am so lucky to have two kind and well behaved dogs.

This was class day.  Everyone is doing there own thing and a lot of progress has been made.

Gotta go now!!!!


  1. Beautiful pictures !
    Your pupils draw and paint well ! You're a good teacher !

  2. The second picture there of Gucci would have made an awesome "motion" picture to go along with your other post.

    What a cutey pie....looks like things are going well there :)

  3. The grass looks great! I bet the pups love it under their feet. I hope the thermometer climbs high for a nice weekend. NO chance of that here anytime soon, but I'll survive. :)


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