Saturday, March 14, 2009


This morning I could tell that it was going to be a beautiful day by the light that was coming into our bedroom.
The sun was so bright it was shining through the window.

I ran outside to get a picture of the sunrise.

In the meantime, Miss Gucci took it upon herself to wake Cooper up with her sloppy kisses.
While I did the chores, Grampa gave the kids breakfast with a side of interesting entertainment.
Of course the ponies were very happy (with these crazy weather changes).
I put the hay next to the fence so they can catch the heat from the sun sooner than later.

I trailered Abbe out to Glen Darach Farm for a lesson with Andrea.  Before she goes for a month of training, I needed to get some tips on what I should be working on.  She was not as relaxed as she is at home, but did pretty well.  Now I have to do some serious work.

Whenever I take the dogs out in the yard, I pick up sticks.  This afternoon I threw one for Gucci to see if she knew how to response after 3 attempts.  Then, I threw it for Phoebe and before she could pick it up, Gucci flew in, grabbed it and bought it back to me.  After that, we had another tug of war with a stick.

It's mine!  No...I got it first!!!!

After evening chores, we decided to go out to dinner.  Before we left, I got a phone call from a friend, who said her son was in town and wanted us to meet his children.  Her son was one of my art students at the high school in the 80s...and one of my all time favorite people.  He is now a very busy Graphic Designer and has 3 beautiful children...all came to the Farm along with their cousin and grandfather (and that's another story).  

The dogs loved being with the kids...

Here is the other story....This man is the Founder and Director of SANKOFA, an African Dancing and Drumming Ensemble...Each spring they perform at the college (where he teaches in the Dance Department) to sold out crowds.  There's nothing like it....ANYWHERE.  He and his son are leaving tomorrow to tour Virginia on behalf of the Young Audiences Program. They
do Afro/Brazilian Dances and have performed all over the country, including a gig at the White House. 

How sweet it must be to go on tour with your son, enjoying each other and the dance!

So...we went down to Barber's (a true townie joint) for dinner.  I have taken you here is classic.

Their specialty is the Balboa....and that is what we went for.


  1. Fabulous day there Lori!!!
    Loved going with you through the warm in the sun and sat for a pint at the end!

  2. What are the things on her "ankles" for? I see the whip at Andrea's feet...has Abbe experienced one before? Learning to pull the cart must be very involved for her.

  3. So Lori, are you an art teacher, then? (I feel like I should know this by now!) I count a select few teacher (4, one of whom was my HS art teacher) among the great influences upon my life.


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