Friday, February 27, 2009


Check out that temperature....
If the snow piles would just disappear, I would appreciate it.
For about the 10th time this winter, the yucca plant is showing....looks a little beat up from the snow.

Mademoiselle Gucci (Poochie) 'Lizebet Skoog is giving me the eye.

Just when I got ready to go get sawdust, it started to rain...poor Jim had to get soaked loading my trailer (I did too, when I had to put on the tarps).  Didn't unload it until it stopped, and now the horses are loving their sweet smelling, deeply bedded stalls.  I really prefer sawdust to shavings, and if I was loaded....would use pellets.  They seem to really fluff up, are very absorbent, and easy to clean.

This afternoon I helped a friend start a new blog, and tonight we had friends over for dinner. Nothing too exciting.  When I left home at 1:55pm it was 52 degrees....when I got home at 3:30pm it was 31!!!!  Now it is snowing and blowing and I am not happy about it.

1 comment:

  1. That doesn't seem fair for Mother Nature to tease you like that! I wouldn't be happy going back to snowing and blowing either!


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