Sunday, February 8, 2009


When I went out to check on the horses around 5:45, this is what I saw.  A great big, bright moon and a blue black sky....

Ran back into the house and got ready to go to Apple Creek Farm.
When we walked into the kitchen, I was in awe of the orchids sitting on the counter.  Jack has always been great about keeping flowers in the house and these are especially fine!We had another one of Louise's great dinners....roasted chicken, potatoes, carrots, squash, rolls and I brought a romaine salad with bacon, hard boiled eggs, roasted red peppers, onion and sharp cheddar cheese (tossed with a fresh balsamic vinegar/Italian dressing).  Dessert was a scratch made carrot cake.  More comfort food, to be sure.

We left at 9:15 and the sky was black.


  1. Oooohhh. A full moon and orchids? What could be better than that?

  2. Lori, the moon is beautiful, the flowers gorgeous & the food sounded divine, too - especially the salad .... mmmmmmm !

  3. Those orchids are glorious. We used to think them very fragile, difficult, things to grow, But we've had several given to us over the last three years or so, and they are undemanding and easy. One of them lasted for eighteen months and flowered four times. They are a doddle.
    Cheers, Mike and Ann (Nea's parents)

  4. The moon and the orchids are just beautiful. I have a black thumb myself when it comes to indoor plants, I'm envious.


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