Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is my girl Berlin...she is the horse I ride the most.  When I went out to do the chores at 5:40, the sun was bright and so was her coat.
Even tho it was only 18 degrees, the solar heat was melting some of the snow.
The evening light in the barn was beautiful.

Hellooooooooo out there....
We had company for dinner...Mary Ellen and Jay came over for some chicken and biscuits. When they arrived, the guard dogs were looking at the door to see who it was.  What a great, relaxing time we had.  Like Gayle up in Alaska, we had a discussion about gardens and ordering seeds...  Could spring possibly be approaching?  Tomorrow is March 1st......YEYYYYYYYYY.


  1. Oh yesssss! March 1st!!!
    sweet spring is near and I can see the ever clear signs.
    Oh sweet budding flowers, and singing birds of the air, be the hope and reminder that spring truly is, ever near!

  2. Loved your nightish shadowy barns pics...and you waving!

  3. Look at those girls perched on the back of the couch. They are definitely the queens of the house! The horses look great. Berlin has such a good look can tell they are very healthy horses.

  4. Hi Lori,
    Berlin looks beautiful!
    Thank you for the comment on my recent post.
    I believe, that if somebody is having a feeling of quiting blogging, that's natural stage.
    It is goog to evaluate what I need to change in my blogging style or area. whenever I feel bored, I step back, do something else and then come back with new ideas, that make me exploring blogging experience.
    Greetings to you and your friend!

  5. Where did February go?? Not that I"m sorry to see the end of it.
    March is awesome--so much anticipation....and so many seeds.
    Love those photos. It's so nice to see a glossy horse--how in the world can that happen in the winter? All mine always looked like Yetis all winter.

  6. Lori, I too am ready for spring!

    Yes, that barn light is beautiful, as is Berlin, as is that name. And your guard dogs must make you feel really secure. :-D


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