Wednesday, February 11, 2009

MY DAY....

5:49 pm (I know, it's out of order)  When Justine does chores, I always go to the barn when she's done to check things out.  Tonight, it still was very mysterious looking.  

The Phoebster went with me so she could get muddy again.  She already got her belly and legs sprayed off in the sink once today.

6:45pm-why haven't I taken these pictures before now?
The roses were given to the Senior Center by a local florist (Arjuna).  Every once in awhile they bring over a five gallon pail of flowers and they are free for the taking.  I imagine they are not quite up to snuff for their shop, but whenever I have taken any of them home, they last for a couple of weeks.  This is a good example of a commercial business having a sense of community.

At 7:30am I looked out the window at this gorgeous site.

By 8am I had all the horse's blankets off... they look like they came through the winter in good rig. 
All were nice and clean for a very short time.  That's Winnie with the short tail.
Joe will be 32 this year and is the oldest Draft Horse I know.  He has been eating hay cubes this winter and it really helped him to be in this condition.
Berlin  (24 this year) came through like a fatty.
Target (26 this year) is still in good shape.  Some muscles would be nice.
Pony just turned 29 in January and she was also on hay cubes this winter.  These two are attached at the hip.
Abbe, my only youngster, is going into work shortly...she looks fine.
I forgot to mention that it is over 50 degrees today.
Joe and Pony, the inseparables, are heading out to the mud.  I made a path of old hay where there was ice.  The back pasture is higher than the rest, and they are able to go out there, if for nothing but a change of scene. No matter how they dig it up, if I keep them off it for a short time when things dry out, the grass grows and it levels itself off.  In the meantime, the other pastures are off limits.
Masterpiece will be 30 in a couple of months.  He has that bum knee, but his body is not too bad for his age.
OOps.  I slipped in another picture of Target.

After chores, Gary and I went down for Chorus Practice.  Below are several pictures of the Line Dancing group.  Are they a bunch of cuties or what???
They were dancing to Bob Seger....

This is Elsie.  She is very active at the Senior Center.
They practice regularly and have a lot of fun.

The music we are working on this semester in chorus is very difficult!!!!
Mary Ellen wants us to S   T   R   E   T   C   H...........
...and guess what....we are doin' it.

A little after noon, John (our farrier) arrived to trim some horses.  I have been taking pictures of his dog Duncan since he was a puppy.  Now he looks grown up.
Abbe, the white horse I showed you earlier, made sure she rolled and was as filthy as possible before John got here.  Doesn't she look adorable????

When I brought Pony in to have her feet done, Joe wanted to be near her and checked things out.  After Abbe was done, I let him hang out in a stall.  His big feet will be done tomorrow.
John retired from the Rochester Police Force, where he was a mounted policeman for almost 20 years.  I couldn't ask for more...he is very kind and gentle with my oldies.

This was the view out back at 2pm....Looks like the headless horseman should be riding through....

That's it for now.  Have to get back to work on my presentation....


  1. I think Joe and Pony are so sweet being so close like that. Oh, Abbe is so muddy! Stinker! :) "Made it through winter"?? Those words made me jealous. It was snowing yesterday. We aren't even close to "making it through". The fog shots are really nice.

  2. Hi Lori, how funny is this? I recognized Duncan immediately! My sister and I stopped into Robb's farm market (I used to live there-loved and miss it) to get doughnuts and this really nice man brought his then 6 month old yellow lab named Duncan with him. We were all over Duncan and he was all over us. Two of the nicest souls I ever had the pleasure of meeting.

  3. Hi Lori,
    You got some great pictures of the fog! When I saw Sunshine standig out there (the perfect picture) I knew that by the time I got inside to get my camera the picture would be gone.
    The only feature of my camera that I consider a disadvantage--I can't carry it around in a sock!

  4. I loved getting to know all your horses! What a herd! Do you ride any of them, except for your youngster?

  5. Oh...longie..will have to go back and look as I write!

    I am so amazed with all the older Equines you have! WOW! They look darned good too. Happy that it is warmer finally for you all. Yea, rare to see the will be "Mudd Caked" soon on them huh.

    Joe is a sweetie and the pics of him with the farrier and all those girths in the background..I LOVE THAT ONE! You should fix that up in the Picasa program!

    The Chorus line group looks like What fun to be involved in!
    My husbands new job is CNA locally. And last night I heard some of his stories about "His People". He kisses some women on the cheek and twinkles thire toes as he tucks them into bed. Older people are so lovely and I am thinking about volunteering at his workplace.

    Take care and don't work too have so much of it with all those animal faces!

  6. I adore your life. And I adore you.


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