Sunday, January 11, 2009


Morning chores took a little longer because we had to do some shoveling.  Gar went into the house for awhile to have breakfast with Ariana and Daniela and I got in about 10:30.  Later than usual...
It actually turned into a bright and sunny day.  Took the edge off the cold temperature.

Catch this...both of the Las Vegas Babes think shoveling is fun!!!!

When Daniela was shoveling the deepest snow, she said "it's like I am in The Biggest Loser!"

Daniela and Finn....

After the girls ate lunch down at Jen's, she took them to Northampton Park for some sledding.
Cold but fun.

Ariana pulling Cooper up the hill....

Coop in the saucer I use to drag my stuff out to the barn.

Coop, Daniela and Finn...
The whole gang...

The pre dinner Sequence challenge....

Coop was missing his Poo that was left at home, so we found him another Teddy Bear.

Ice and Phoebe smothered Justine with kisses while she was waiting in the house after chores.


  1. I'll bet they really do enjoy helping you.


  2. I hope the young childern enjoy the fun white stuff! Well Im thinking that we are sick of seeing it lol!

  3. Oh my gosh! Daniela kills me with her comments... love what she said about The Biggest Loser! hahaha!!!

    -Teta Mimi


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