Thursday, January 8, 2009


Started off the day feeding Bermuda, then loaded up my sled and went out to the barn to do chores.  
As soon as I put the hay outside it started to snow.  Fortunately, the paddock was not like an ice skating rink.
It was coming down pretty fast and of course the horses preferred not to be under the overhang.

Phoebe actually wanted to go outside this morning and stayed with me until almost 10:30...rare when it is this cold.

I slacked off today in the picture taking department.  Instead I spent most of the afternoon organizing photos...The Kennys gave me one of those picture frames that can show photographs in a slideshow format (for and I loaded hundreds of pictures.  I need to do a presentation at the Historical Society in February so getting organized is a biggie.  My topic is..."What Makes Brockport a Great Destination?"

Tonight we were invited out for dinner and gone from 6-10:30....that's why this is going to be short and sweet.  Until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. Those horses were beautiful in the snow.



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