Friday, January 23, 2009


Oops, I forgot to post this one Sue.  This is my grooming/tack room.  It is in the other barn and the last people who owned the farm used it as a car repair shop (for themselves)  It is insulated and has a cement floor.  I have two stalls that I don't use, and the vet, farrier, and dentist appreciate having a good place to work with the horses when they are here.  This winter it has been so cold, they are all on vacation.

Morning chores and the sun was b e a u t i f u l ....  Yesterday I spoke about our hundred year old horse barn and was asked to post a couple more photos.  Here's a short tour for Sue.

This is the indoor.  It is not huge, but I love it (60x104).  The horses can go in and out when it is not in use.

Looking out at the paddock in front of the horse barn...

A night shot of the front of the horse barn.

These are the front doors that I close at night to keep Joe in his space.

This is the back view of the barn...the hill that goes up to the second level.

This is the inside of the horse barn.  Very simple but very cozy.

This area is inside the front doors I posted above.  Joe has this entire area.

Looks like we will hit 40!!!!  Big whoop!!!!


  1. Oh, today is a glorious day, isn't it? You must have been beside yourself! And the snow and ice is melting and my car looks like it's in need of a real, bad carwash!

  2. January is full of surprises, how wonderful to have a heat wave after the freezing weeks of December. And that barn!! Don't be surprised if you see a red horse all cozy in the corner one of these days.

  3. Oh yay! A tour of Skoogville! I loooove that indoor!!! Oh how I sit here in envy right now-it's a good thing you can't see me drooling :D

    I love your barn and property...everything looks so cozy and comfy for the herd! Why does sweet Joe get his own area?

    Thank you for the tour! I'll have to take some pictures of our set up soon-what fun!

    Enjoy the warmth...40 is TOASTY!!!


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