Saturday, December 27, 2008


Warm air reaching snow makes steam....

It started to rain this morning, so I put Joe and Pony in the indoor with some hay and water (wanted them to stay dry).  Put the rest of the hay in a run in and under the shed roof hoping the rest would be smart enough to eat there.  Abbe kept crying out for Joe and Pony and started to paw at the door.
When the rain stopped, I opened the indoor back up and they all went in to see what they were missing.

Didn't Joe go and do it again!!!!!  He went down to roll and with the slippery footing could not get up.  Once again, I unbuckled the front of his blanket and voila!  He was back on all four feet. Loves to give me heart failure.
This was some kind of "rolling" day...PC did his thing.

When I went in after chores, the snow was really melting.  I had to go down to the bank, so Phoebe came along for the ride and we observed a lot more misty, steamy sights.

1 comment:

  1. It's official...I could not do what you do! It may be -30 this morning (in town...only -10 at my house in the hills), but at least it is dry. You have such extreme weather changes, and it is so sloppy and messy. I might have to settle for NY in the summer! :) The horse look like they are having a blast.


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