Friday, November 28, 2008


It was very muddy today and Joe went down, to roll or what?  He couldn't get back up for almost half an hour...for a short time I thought he wasn't going to make it as he was closing his eyes and breathing hard.  His blanket did not help.  We finally got it off him and used a couple of thick ropes to try and help him in the rear end.  The Vet suggested we roll him over, but we did not have to. 
When he was standing he acted normal and later trotted and cantered.  I was in awe!!!!  He's 31!!!!


  1. Everytime we come to your place Justine and I learn plenty, but we were not prepared for this very scary experience for awhile. Thankfully (no pun intended) things worked out for the good. It was great to see him trot and canter after Winnie.

  2. Holy smokes, I would have been screaming and freaking out. I would have been out there with a loader doing something stupid I'm sure. I guess I never realized how difficult some things must be with such a large animal. I'm so glad he is okay!

  3. Egad! You go Joe! You too Lori. I am in awe of you. I think he moved so to reassure you. :-)


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