Tuesday, October 7, 2008


This morning I broke out her pink coat...by the end of chores she did not need it.
Had some official bad news today...the Town Supervisor sent the message that Phoebe is not to go into the Senior Center from now on.  He knows doo dah about Therapy Dogs and how much good they do, and is just pulling his usual retribution nonsense.  Unfortunately this is a political power play that happens more than not around here.  Because we question what is going on and advocate for the Seniors, we are the enemy.  Many of her pals are going to miss her.


  1. That is outrageous! Who has authority over the center? Is there onyl one town supervisor there, or do they all act like that? Can her friends see her elsewhere? (spitting)

  2. That sucks!
    Hope you can find a way to get around that!

  3. That is so sad! Dogs do wonders for so many people, especially kids and elderly... Do you have any way of getting around it?


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