Thursday, October 16, 2008


A different format, but the end result was the same for me.  Obama is so much more thoughtful and poised in his delivery.  McCain's one great statement was regarding Obama running against George Bush 4 years ago.  His "Joe the Plumber" bit has blown up in his face, since Joe was giving false information...he vetted him like he did Sarah Palin.  McCain can't win on his merits, so he is going for the dirt...just what I expected.  There is so much information available to us...everyday I get something new.  Educating yourself on what is going on and digging for the truth makes a difference and definately helps when picking a candidate to support.  You definately can't believe everything you hear.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Lori. It's a quagmire. I keep asking myself, "Is this really worse thatn ever, or am I just more disgusted? My word for the night is "Urk". Wait - is that a word?


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