Thursday, October 9, 2008


I needed this kind of a morning...something bright and fresh.  Yesterday I had a meltdown over the way things happen between the Town and the Senior Center... reached my capacity for putting up with the BS that takes place for all the wrong reasons.  Good things come to those who wait, and I have been waiting a long time for some sort of exposure.  If I wrote down everything I am thinking I would be in deep tapioca.  It's ironic that you can do all kinds of things to help people and still get kicked in the head.  Thanks for the supportive comments regarding Phoebe and the Therapy Dog issue.  It's obvious that the value of this program is unknown (and doesn't matter) to these people.  I would not mind if it was just a dog issue, but it's not, it's a political issue.  I don't want to make a big deal about the dog, but it is pretty hard to keep my mouth shut when it comes to the way the whole Senior Center issue is dealt with. Anyone who would take the time to get to know these people could not help but want to add to the quality of their lives.  We can't even get answers to simple questions...
I'm sure you all know about "pay it forward."  Two days ago I did this.  A person in the community needed food and medicine for a pet...I gathered things from the garden and went shopping for a few additional items...picked up the medicine and delivered it to this sweet person's home.  If you are in a position to help someone, it is the right thing to do.  What is with these people in this world who just don't get it????  Respect for the elderly is good. Why doesn't our town get it?

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a very young population? Is it more upper class? Just curious as to the types of people making the decisions. Anyone who goes against education and the elderly is foolish. The younger generation takes care of us when we are the older generation. How can the people of your village not see that this will soon be them? Makes no sense...I'm not there and I can feel your frustration.


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