Friday, October 3, 2008


ABOUT THE DEBATE LAST NIGHT...I was too tired to write, so you are getting my 2 cents worth today.  First of all, who was Giuliani watching to make the comment that Sarah Palin is one of the best debaters in the country?  Utterly amazing.  Was it not possible for her to answer one question?  Repetition, repetition....When I think of all the women in the Senate and the House, not to mention others holding office...they must be mortified!!!  She may be doing fine in Alaska, but she certainly is not in the world class arena when it comes to international diplomacy and depth of knowledge.  Being a Hockey Mom, and deeming herself a maverick does not qualify her to hold this office.  She is just not ready!! and I shutter at the thought of her ever having the responsibililty of this entire country in her hands.  Her "shouldas" and other interesting choices of vocabulary do not impress me in the slightest. Being comfortable sitting across the table from her and running the country are two very different arenas.  What were they thinking?  She was successful in terms of being better than they expected, but where is the substance?  Everyone wants to set Washington straight...who is happy with the way things have been?  There are many women in this country who have much higher expectations in a candidate.  Just being a woman with her homey delivery is not enough.  Chime in.....


  1. I knew reading blogs full of opinions would be much better than watching the debate so I didn't watch it. I knew I could count on you! :) My two've got to tell us what you thought of Biden...and be honest. You can't say he was great just because she was bad. Or say he was great because you support Obama. I'd like to hear what you really think of him. It is quite possible that everyone running for office is an idiot...our job could just be to pick the lesser of two evils.

  2. I so like it when you get riled up! To tell the truth, all the press made my expectations of her so low that I was suprised that she did not crash and burn. I was glad of that because I do not like watching people puicblicly humiliated. That said, I will not vote for McCain/Palin because I do not agree with their positions and do not believe them. I'm a bit biased for Biden already because he was my first choice for President way back when. I like his thoughts, his approaches to our problems and his knowledge. I generally agree with the positions of the Obama/Biden camp,and think together they can bring some good ideas and policies to the for. Balance in all things.


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