Monday, October 6, 2008

40,000 MILES....

This is Ed Talone.  He lives in Silver Spring, Maryland (1 mile outside of DC) and has no car, no bike and no cell phone.  He walks!  In 1999 he walked from coast to coast, and has hiked all 8 National Scenic Trails.  Yesterday, I went down to the Welcome Center to pick up Gary, and Ed had stopped there to take a shower and scope out the area for a place to spend the night. This particular trip began in Tonawanda (along the Erie Canal) and is going to end in Utica, where he will take the train home and go back to work at the American Hiking Society (he is the office manager).  We invited him to have dinner at the Farm and he spent the night here.  He has walked 40,000 miles!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Lori -
    Good for you, keeping that old fashioned American hospitality alive!


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