Saturday, September 6, 2008


As usual, Gary is on the grill.  Peggy is collecting money at the Junque table. Bob and Tom are selling popcorn for a dollar a bag and can hardly keep up.  Mary Pat and her daughter Kate are working the front along with Mary Ellen...selling tickets (so you can trade them in for food).  Sara just bought a hostess gift...she is going to the same party we are attending this afternoon...a true tomato fest at the Maynard's.  And I met Arlene there so I could give her a basket of goodies from the farm (tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, onions, refrigerator pickles and some fresh eggs my neighbor just brought over).  Ute, with her bike, stopped to talk to Nancy and Bucky....just a true townie event.

1 comment:

  1. I just love small town stuff like that. That's how I grew up (in Tok pop. 1100). I wish my kids were growing up in a small rural town. It's just a better life, I think.


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