Tuesday, September 2, 2008


WOW!  A friend was just out giving a flying lesson and managed to take this shot of the farm. Thanks Darrin....beautiful.  Our house is next to the road, hidden by the trees.  The indoor is red with the outdoor arena behind it.  The two grey barns are to the left and the pastures are outlined with the wooden fencing.  If you click on the photo and make it big, it will be easier to pick things out.  We only have a little over 5 acres.


  1. Oh, what a beautiful farm you have! It's picture perfect (no pun intended). You are blessed.

  2. That is an amazing photo. Now I have so many questions...where does the garlic grow? Do the horse pasture anywhere else? With six I though you'd have to have a lot more area than that. We have a little over two acres and I never dreamed it was big enough to have a horse on. It is so green and beautiful. Would be neat to see the same shot with snow (you do get snow, right?). (That sounded completely ignorant...of course, you get snow!).

  3. Approaching from the North, East or South the Red Indoor and freshly tilled outdoor can be seen from miles away. They serve as a final checkpoint for my students for the landing checklist an enter the pattern to the airport. Unfortunately the setting sun did not permit good shots from other angles. (good excuse to fly and try again) Lori let me know if you'd like birds eye views of some of the things you have put on your blog. I have Mt Morris Dam, Letchworth, canal culvert, Brockport etc.


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