Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Phoebe and I watched the convention tonight.  Rudy and Huckabee got things rolling with lots of shots at Obama.  Sarah had the crowd in the palm of her hands as they roared for her 36 minutes.  PBS said she exceeded their expectations as a speech giver...but some of the things she said were pretty scarey to me.  What did you think?  The media also took a lot of hits.  She claims to have more experience than Obama and Biden combined....and what is the executive experience McCain has had???  And Obama doesn't think her little town (where she was mayor) is very cosmopolitan?  On Air America today, an Alaskan was saying there was a surplus when she took office and they were 20 million in debt when she left (Recreation Complex for a town of 8,000).  The people of this country need more information.


  1. I can't tell you about the profit/debt margin, but I can tell you the Complex is completely awesome and well used. All three of my boys have played hockey in the arena plus it sports a Junior Hockey team. There is an outstanding indoor soccer field that has been full every time I've been there. As well as an indoor running track which is needed in our neck of the woods (if you like to run). Again I'm not coming at this from the political side, but more of a "defend Alaska" side. Most of the Lower 48 is completely ignorant as to what our lives are really like. Yes, Palin does come from a small town...meaning she has small town values. Almost every Alaskan does. The city of Wasilla may have a population of 6,300, but Palmer (just a few miles away) adds 5,100 (you can't tell where one ends and another begins). In fact, the Mat-Su Borough has 40,000 people which encompasses all these (and other) cities. Anchorage with 300,000 people is 40 miles South. Just because Alaskans are "small town folk" it does not mean we are ignorant and have not been exposed to big city life. (Yes, I understand our entire state is smaller than many cities, but geez...that doesn't mean we are in the dark or don't travel!) I just wish those attacking Palin would do so for her political beliefs not because of where she comes from or what her "experience" is. There have been a lot of "experienced" politicians who have been idiots. While I don't like to dive into politics I can tell you I would vote for a canidate with similiar beliefs as myself who is honest and puts our country first. I do not care about the song and dance and the credits they can list, I care about the person and what they bring to the job and what they will do to protect America. Maybe that seems a bit naive, but here in Alaska we've seen many a scholar with big accredidations freeze to death while the "guy-next-door" is toasty warm. It isn't always "what you have done" but "what you can do" that is more important. I've never read all the political stuff, but now that it involves the state I've lived in for 40 years (minus college in Washington) I am reading all the garbage. I find it interesting all the Obama-Palin comparisons. Gee, I thought it was an Obama-McCain race. Shouldn't we be comparing Biden-Palin? And maybe he is outstanding, I don't know, but that's what I'll read about next! :) I just find it insulting that it seems impossible Sarah Palin could possibly have a brain and a vision because she's just another hockey mom on the PTA. Well, so am I, and my ignorance to politics isn't a general is by choice. I'm just as education as the next guy (two degrees in education), and I'm a hockey mom! God, love ya Lori...I'm rambling again..sorry, I'm a fierce protector of Alaska...nothing more. BTW I have your small gift, but had to use the box to wrap a Christmas present for my MIL who left here this morning. I'll round up another box and get it in the mail. (I hate the PO and avoid it at all always has such a long line!) We hope to head to Chugiak (just past Wasilla) on Friday for another hockey game if I can get a sitter for the younger four.

  2. Gayle...Thanks for the information...I like your "rambling," and can totally understand your loyalty to Alaska. To each his own...and all that. In 60 days we will see how this all plays out.

  3. OK (sigh) I have recovered from my night of angst. I do not care whether Governor Palin is from a small town, large city or the fjords. I am happy for her family values and new-found desire for reform. I have no problem with the state of Alaska or anyone who's partial to it. And, I respect her right to have her beliefs. I just do not support her political agenda.

    I am pro-choice; I do not think unlimited guns are a good thing; and, I tend to read state secession as a bid for a little corner of fascism. I understand that politics by their very nature are competitive, adn that there's going to be a fair share of snarky back-biting, but (whether written for her or not) I think her "remarks" went over the line from partisanship to downright Queen Bee clique abusive. Disagree with someone for the stance they take on issues. Question their ability. But, don't rip the other side to shreds for the sole purpose of claiming the title of pit bull, whilst doing nothing to inform the public of issues that actually matter. It was disgusting.


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