Monday, September 15, 2008


Well, this could be Phoebe's last day at the Senior Center.  When we were leaving, a woman asked what a dog was doing there, and she could feel that her allergies were acting up.  She spoke to the Staff person that was standing next to her, and the next thing you know I was asked not to bring her back in the building!  First of all, Phoebe does not shed and she has hair that (as far as I know) does not cause a problem.  Second, she is loved by so many people there, I will have to see what they have to say about it.  Just today, she and Sam were having some very nice moments together.  What's next???


  1. At the very least there should be an area of the building that Phoebe is allowed to visit those who love her so much. Everyone knows the healing powers of animals, and while this lady's allergies are unfortunate (although I doubt Phoebe has anything to do with her flare-up) everyone shouldn't be punished. It will be interesting to see how drastically they handle this situation.

  2. Some people make a calling of looking for things to complain about. And, some people let them. I think you should launch a petition.

  3. Oh Lori, that is so sad. It's such a pity that one person could spoil it for so many others who get so much enjoyment from having Phoebe there. Let us know how it all turns out in the end ?


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