Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Remember the mule the Art & Aesthetics Committee installed on the Erie Canal in Brockport? The one that was vandalized and broken into pieces within 24 hour?  Well, she is almost ready to be reborn.  This is how she looks today.  By tonight she will be painted and airbrushed, and tomorrow I will paint her eyes before a sealer is put on.  "Septemberfest" will take place on Saturday, and Phebe should be ready to greet her public.  Now I just have to find enough flowers to make another garland for her neck.


  1. The mule is so beautiful it looks like a horse! Good luck on painting those eyes, looking forward to seeing the end result!

  2. Esther...thanks for your comments. I just had time to look back on your posts. So you have 2 horses and a foal? And the foal was born while you are in Scandanavia...have you had a foal before? I have had 5 or 6 born here and would be happy to help if you need it. You have a very interesting life and are posting some great photos.

  3. That gentleman does outstanding work. You are so lucky.

  4. Looks like you had a great day today, Phebe is looking quite fit. GOod luck!


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