Sunday, September 28, 2008


I feel guilty about this post, as last week Gayle (in Alaska) had all of her gardens frozen when the temperature went down to 18 degrees. Here, we are in prime time with our gardens and all of this produce is grown within 10 or 15 miles of Brockport.  When I have my camera in my pocket, it is positively hard to resist.  Regardless of the weather, friends and neighbors show up every Sunday. We are so fortunate to have this available.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe all the beautiful produce this time of year! The plums look devine! What we get in the stores is picked too early and just isn't the same. Our corn was 79 cents an ear this summer when it was on sale. Not sure about now...(and I'm sure they aren't as good as those!)


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