Monday, August 4, 2008


So that means I have to write and add photos when it is possible.  I went to a discussion group and people all over the place are having the same problem.

Today...after chores I went to the bank to cash a check I received for the catering job yesterday.  Then I went to Apple Creek Farm and mowed the lawn.  The grass was extra long from the rain and I had to go over parts of it twice.  From there, I went to pick up a couple of pizzas and drinks to take to the police department.  They found the people who destroyed the mule we put up a couple of weeks ago (see archives - Phebe) and we are most lunch on us (the Art & Aesthetics Committee).  In the meantime, the Village recovered some insurance money and a local resident is trying to repair Phebe.  

Went back to the farm, had lunch and picked up Phoebe.  I had to get my car $1150 money pit last Thursday!!!  Just when I thought things were back to normal, the engine light came on and they could not do the inspection.  SO ONCE AGAIN!!!! my car is in the shop.  This time the computer says it is a switch that has something to do with power steering. Cha Ching....Cha Ching.  Phoebe and I walked over to where Gary was painting and I drove his truck home for the rest of the afternoon...before I knew it, it was time to go pick him up.  Chores, a great dinner...mixed greens with tomatoes from our garden, a little onion, grilled chicken, crumbly blue and a good Italian dressing.  Of course
we had to finish up the sweet potato salad and had a few pickled beets on the side.  Yum.

Now I am sitting here very frustrated that I can't post my pictures.

PS - I must encourage you to look at the new link in Africa...very interesting....

1 comment:

  1. Up the rollercoaster: I am glad they found the kids who fractured Phebe, and I hope she can be restored to her wistful self.

    ... And, down the rollercoaster: Sorry about the car.

    But, as your song says, on balance, in America, many of us (geez - how many qualifiers do I need?!) do live a charmed, charmed life ...


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