Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Mowed the big pasture while the horses were in it, they did not mind.  Have you seen more amazing clouds?  Lillies are still blooming and the Snow on the Mountain is above my knees.
We had some serious rain last night so everything continues to grow at the Jack in the Beanstalk rate.  I am going out to the garden to see if I can find some peppers and onions.
More later.


  1. Thanks again for sharing such beautiful photographs - I loved the one of the lily - what a gorgeous colour !

  2. Your garden is beautiful and thriving. Nice rays of sunshine you haven't. It's been two weeks maybe more. I miss the sun. It stopped raining for a bit and I walked in the yard. My husband commented on the weed to flower ratio! :) It's just been too cold of a summer for my garden. Dismal. I'm already optimistically planning next year.


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