Saturday, August 9, 2008


A couple of years ago I joined a trail riding horse club to force myself to get out more.  This year they have had many rides and I have missed them all...until today.  Perfect conditions...miles of freshly mown trails ...lots of shade in the woods and the temperature was managable.  I took Berlin.  As usual, when I said "Berlin, do you want to go for a ride" she lifted up her head and ran over to me so I could put on her halter.  I don't know how I got her to do this, but she does it everytime (I must have bribed her).  Did a quick grooming and loaded her on the trailer which is the stock variety.  When I only have one horse I trailer them loose and 99% of the time they travel with their heads facing the back door.  It is 16 feet long with a tack area in the front, and the back is quite like a stall.  We got to the Park just in time for me to tack her up and get on.  Everyone else rides with a Western Saddle, but we nerds ride with a Dressage Saddle.  It is an Albion and could not be more sitting on butter. There were only five of us and all the horses were very Berlin remained relaxed enough for me to ride with my hands on the buckle (that means the reins are very loose).  A great experience.  After completing 2/3 of the ride they stopped for lunch and I came home to accept a grain delivery.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised that you haven't been able to ride with them till now! When I read that you had joined a riding club, I thought 'how on earth does she have time for all these things?!' Tell me, what is the difference between the two saddle types? I've probably only been in the nerdy type. Hee hee!


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