Saturday, July 26, 2008


He finished pulling out the garlic...then he started on the onions (they weigh about half a pound each).  In between he worked on a chair that he is donating to an auction in Chautauqua next week.  

Randy came over to soak Joe's foot (Joe is the Belgian, and he has been trying to break open an abscess for over a week).  Fortunately, Randy found a soft spot at the top of his hoof and he was able to get it to drain.  At last, the pressure was off and Joe could walk a lot better. Yey! Not fun to watch him gimping around.  Anyway, he and Gary sat in the shade of the willow tree and had a beer...both were ready for a nap.

Just when we were getting ready to eat dinner, another friend stopped over to discuss repairing my guitar.  It is a Classical Guild Mark III that I bought at the Syracuse University Book Store when I was in graduate school (in the dark ages).  He, Gary and Phoebe sat on the deck by the "cabin" (ex pool house now studio/workshop) until 8 o'clock discussing the affairs of the world.

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